I put some interesting blogs or other types of websites here. If you would like your site to be added, please add a link to this site on your own site and then follow the example below to submit a request. If your site is appropriate, it will be added to this page. If you would like your site to be also added in the Chinese version of this page, please submit your request again on the Chinese page, following the corresponding example. I may occasionally clean up sites that are no longer available or no longer contain a link to this site.


Link: https://www.wikipedia.org/
Title: Wikipedia
Description: The Free Encyclopedia
Icon: https://www.wikipedia.org/static/apple-touch/wikipedia.png # It can be a site icon or author avatar.

Here is the information for reference if you want to add a link to this site.

Link: https://his2nd.life/ # Please use the link to the site’s root directory and keep the slash at the end. Do not use the link to the language-specific site.
Title: His 2nd Life # Or “他的第二人生”, depending on your preference.
Description: Life is short, I’m gonna live it double! # Or “人生苦短,我要活出双倍精彩!”, depending on your preference.
Icon: https://bucket.hollisdevhub.com/blog/common/blog-logo.webp